
Zhejiang Tourism in 2011

At the meeting, Zhang Chunjie on the "7.23" Wenzhou two moving cars rear-end impact caused by tourism and measures taken in response to a detailed report. After the accident, the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism with the municipal government, the night held an emergency meeting to deal with the accident, started the emergency response plan, and understanding of the relevant train travel team, FIT timely release of information, to reconvene the special emergency treatment meeting for a specific deployment.
As at 13:00 on the 24th, Wenzhou City, tourism has in the vicinity of the hospital admissions, pre-8 280 hotel rooms for accommodation required for dealing with the aftermath. At 13:00 on the 24th to statistics, there are two tourist groups Wenzhou 66 people have been safely home. 24 to 25, nearly 30 teams of about 900 people from Fujian, Wenzhou and other places back, nearly 400 people from Wenzhou, Fuzhou, back. Wenzhou Tourism Bureau by phone and SMS, contact your travel agent to adjust travel team travel, change travel routes.
    After listening to the reports, Jian-Guo Ye, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism and timely access to information and active response measures, do remedial work affirmed. He pointed out that one should improve the overall situation and responsibility. With the municipal government, pro-active role within the jurisdiction of a good job. Second, we must do to appease the families of the injured work. Continue to coordinate relevant departments, contact the person in charge of major hotels, one after another to meet the accommodation needs of the families of victims of Wenzhou, to provide them with attentive service. Third, we must publish the information mass. Good use of the Web sites and microblogging platform, timely release of public information needed to actively help the forwards tracing information. Fourth, we should always knock on tourism safety alarm. By the motor car accident, as the tourism authorities should always knock on tourism safety alarm, safety awareness and further enhance tourism, improve the tourism infrastructure, to enhance tourism safety management.
After the Provincial Tourism Council inspection team in the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism Zhang Chunjie accompanied by the Secretary and other staff, to the city's major hotels to stay for families of wounded sympathy.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerar

