
Lhasa City: the Everlasting Holy Sand

Sitting in the streets of Lhasa's small restaurant, carrying a cup of hot tea, looking out for pedestrians and vehicles coming and going, I feel I never left the city, but also never thought to leave her, even though I had to do .

Lhasa is a very breathtaking place to be, most people who come here want to come back. And the strange thing is second to Lhasa, where people will say that they are back to Lhasa, and not to Lhasa, as if this is everyone's home and mind, we can find solace and sustenance. Lhasa is such a place, she is an eternal shrine.

On the surface, Lhasa, on what is of no eternal word, she changed every year, changing every day. Last year, or "gold" over and over, but this year because the National Games have become clean; half months ago, but he did not beggar the streets, but then came back from Ali for those dirty little hands and headache. Talk about the importance such a place should be very unpopular, but it is the capricious witch attracted many Tibetans to sell their assets, from afar has been a long head knock pilgrimage; this is also the vagaries of the Pure Land, making the whole of China or even the whole world turning back from the start. Why?

May still be an inclusive word. Lhasa without reservation, inclusive of all things, no matter what color you are, what nationality, what religion. Here, everyone can reveal the truth, do what you want to do. In front of the Jokhang Monastery, wearing the robe of the five-body cast, also did so wearing a suit is not wrong; Barkhor Street, the RMB to get in bargaining, with the dollar to be outdone; size of the hotel, both brand-name backpack, there are bags made ​​of hemp. You do good, I heard thank you, smiling; you do something wrong, an apology, or that look of the smile. All of these can be so only in Lhasa harmony.

For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Yangtze River Tour: Taiwan Private Tour

September 6 to 11, Seventh Cross-Strait Travel Fair (hereinafter referred to as "Travel Fair") will be held in Xiamen. Organizing Committee of Xiamen and the surrounding cities will be free distribution of 20,000 tickets for the public to visit the museum and purchase travel products. Yesterday morning, the committee held a news briefing in Xiamen, the reporter learned that this travel expo will bring rich and offer a range of tourism products, of which Taiwan's personal travel products are the focus of this promotion.
This trip will be the fifteenth session of the Fair Expo (the "9.8") overall Liaison Office, Museum on the same period, the independent investment breeze.
Bo at this year's tour, Taiwan's personal travel and other topics of tourism products will debut in the exhibition hall, a number of major traveling salesman Taiwan, agriculture leisure associations, Spa Association, the Association will be food and mainland tourists "up close" contact.
Brigade during the fair, various travel agents and travel to Taiwan will have introduced a variety of routes, for example, Taiwan direct flights around the island plus the small three links, 7-Day Tour, Golden Gate 6 Kenting tour, Bay 3-Day Tour Penghu, Kinmen, and other travel products, visitors feel more comfortable trip. Tour accommodation arrangements will be adjusted to provide a "five-star hotel", "take the high-speed rail" and other high-end services to enhance the quality of travel to Taiwan.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Shanghai Tours: Strait Tour Fair

Travel Fair launched this province 188 tourism investment projects, investment totaling more than 98 billion yuan. 50 projects which screened as the province's major tourist highlights of foreign investment projects and the preparation of investment projects in 2011 travel book (in English), further verification of project data, refine, through newspapers, Internet, books and other multi-channel project , contracted to carry out investment projects work and thoroughly work.

The content of this fair is more colorful and more diverse, more enthusiasm, more participatory. Procurement suppliers were invited to Taiwan, province tour, the main attractions in the province, the main provinces of Taiwan travel tour, travel agents in Europe and immigration, Internet buyers, fraternal provinces more than 300 participating companies and other TSP participants, suppliers , buyers (travel agents) will be on hand to discuss buy, direct marketing, trade, and domestic and foreign travel industry representatives at the meeting promote release personal tours, spa tours, Fujian tourist products, online supermarkets and other products.

Tentatively invited inside and outside the 50 major news media, including foreign media, 10, 13 central-level media, other types of media for the local level. Travel Fair has opened a dedicated website and posted on the website of the Travel Fair Guide, Expo site next trip will be revision updates, travel expo journal Acquisitions, China Tourism News Travel Fair put such propaganda forum work.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tour: 1911 Revolution Tour in Tianjin

Yesterday morning, the Tianjin Station training park plaza may sound, great excitement. By the Civilization Office of Tianjin, Tianjin Tourism Bureau, Tianjin Jinnan District Government, Tianjin Transportation Group, co-sponsored the "one million people visit Castle series commemorating the 100th anniversary of Revolution - Modern China in Tianjin, Tianjin, modern look Jinnan" Theme events start here.

From six districts in Tianjin Binhai New Area residents and more than 500 people were riding tour bus, happily toured the small station training park, ornamental fish, coastal Technology Park, Songjiang Country Club and other eco-tourist attractions.

It is reported that Tianjin Tourism Bureau, Transportation Group since June launch of the Binhai New Area and the downtown open-top double-decker tour bus, "Night Castle green tourism", by the general public of all ages, every day, attracting a large number of tourists visiting. At present, the grid 648 frequency, 2.6 million passengers a tour of the colorful Castle night.

The first half of this year, a total of 18 international cruise ships to Hong Kong to Hong Kong about 4 million international passengers, an increase of about 4 percent. It is understood that in the future, Tianjin Port will rely on international cruise homeport berth and terminal housing, including development and construction of cruise terminal management, port services, ports, shipping agents, travel services and finance and insurance, etc., integrated hotels and commercial office buildings and restaurants facilities, with the subsequent construction of East Port of international business procurement center, five-star hotels, large commercial facilities, and characteristics of tourism and convention facilities, spa resort, the gradual formation of the North's largest cruise ship homeport targeting complex industrial system to adapt.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Tianjin Flight to Huangshan

August 5, learned from Huangshan, Huangshan Tianjin route is expected to open in September, Huangshan City, will expand the Bohai Sea region's tourism market, to create fine air travel routes.

Recently, Xu Jianmin, Vice Mayor of Huangshan City Tourism Committee rate, Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Huangshan Airport and other relevant people in charge and responsible for Tianjin Tourism Bureau and the relevant units responsible for meeting in Tianjin to Tianjin flights to Huangshan Matchmaking , both models on the flight, time, frequency and other relevant circumstances to reach a consensus for the September opening of Tianjin route to Huangshan.

According to reports, Huangshan City, also developed in the mid-August launch Huangshan tourism market in Tianjin, advertising, air travel products held in Huangshan City (Tianjin) promotion, sign Tianjin Tourism Bureau and Huangshan Municipal People's Government strategy for tourism cooperation agreement. Tianjin Tourism Bureau to be organized in each county in early September, Tourism and related travel agency to go to Huangshan key step on the line, organization, planning and aviation tourism product packaging line, the two together to create "quality, durable, civilized and safe" boutique tourist routes.

It is reported that the matchmaking is to implement the party and government delegation to Tianjin in July, Huangshan study results, and actively expand the Huangshan Tourism in the Bohai Sea region source markets, the public campaign to Tianjin air travel products Huangshan, Huangshan aviation training in advance tourism products, warm air in Tianjin to Huangshan tourism product lines, in preparation for the opening of routes.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Yangtze River Tours in Fenghua

With the advent of leisure time round, five-second "period, Fenghua effort to further tap the tourism through the development of new advantages, great efforts to cultivate new form of tourism, to accelerate the development of leisure tourism, and promote transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry.
First, Ningbo's first "national traveling by car base" settled Xikou. Last year, Xikou declare the success of "national traveling by car base," and with the country's first for both individual and group membership services company traveling by car, "Long range self-drive" cooperation for the car riders to provide tourist information, online booking, medical assistance, vehicle refueling and maintenance a full range of travel management services. Currently, the Fenghua City Tourism Bureau, led the Joint Highways, traffic police, Xikou, Dayanzhen and Xikou Tourism Group are working together to package the various departments within the self-driving route planning, Fenghua, Yuyao and the line will connect Ninghai, Fenghua across the entire western set along a clear theme of self-driving guide signs and point of service, and integrate along the scenic, rural tourist spots, outdoor sports base, and gradually guide the development of self-driving tour.

Second, Dayan mountain outdoor sports base of the building. Dayanzhen good ecological environment and resources as to create mountain mountain outdoor sports base favorable conditions. Has repeatedly held Dayanzhen Challenge mountain outdoor sports and mountain bike cross-country, etc., in the province the majority of outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy considerable popularity. In accordance with meticulous precision of ecological culture, moderate development of the concept of mountain sports, Fenghua City Tourism Bureau to assist the Government of outdoor Dayanzhen hiking trails, mountain bike trails, hiking trails and Shan Inn, etc. for planning and transformation, integration Dayan outdoor sports, increase and improve relevant facilities, rolling out a comprehensive package of outdoor sports base of the mountain. Now actively reporting to create a special leisure and tourism base Ningbo.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Shenyang Towers Tour

The near future, tourism will not only Shenyang Imperial Palace, Beiling, Tanglin these choices, convenient transportation and the repair of a new "four-tower" or will become a new tourist attractions in Shenyang. Recently, the reporter interviewed the relevant department heads. According to reports, the tower will be repaired this year, the environment, including working with green green be completed in autumn; other projects and strive to be completed by October 1.
East Tower: Restore the Ming and Qing style wall
East Tower is located in Dadong East Chang'an Street and Tower Road Interchange, south west canal. Restoration in 1985, turned into attractions. Fixed two park pavilion, paving the imitation of brick panels clear road, planted pines and cypresses, with a solemn, ancient incense quiet features. This transformation will remove illegal buildings near the park, and turned into green space, and park north of the wall to restore harmony with the pagoda-style wall of the Ming and Qing.
South Tower: Green the upgrade
South Tower Park is located in Shenyang City, River District, South Tower Hill Road Interchange Street and the northeast corner of the text. South Tower (Guangci Temple) is located in northwest South Tower Park. The original temple is now no longer exist, only in the South Tower Park, Yong retained a stone. Tayuan west of a small leisure square, north and south residential building block for the South Tower. Outside of the northwest side of the South Tower Park farmers market. For the South Tower of the transformation, in addition to repair the tower, but also around the park for the proposed demolition of the South Tower and South Tower Park Green. In addition, the proposed green space on the west side of the upgrade and South Tower.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Travel to Dalian Labors' Park

Dalian City, the largest ever exhibition of chrysanthemums will be launched today at Labor Park, it was introduced more than 100 species of chrysanthemum exhibition, a total number of trees, together with other foil flower seeds, flowers, total more than 300,000 participants.

Most of these bloom chrysanthemum chrysanthemum town from Kaifeng, Henan, the show's most impressive is the production of 500 pots of chrysanthemum "Nine Dragon Wall", which respect the Nine Dragon Wall, 14 meters long, 3.5 meters high by 500 pots of chrysanthemum constitute the walls of nine life-like dragon. The Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum show a total of about 30,000, over a hundred varieties, gardeners have nurtured for nearly a year to a variety of innovative design, will be "October" Golden Week with the general public to meet one of the rare species "beads off the jade plate," "Put water Xia", "spring sword Mountain", "Fang Kai autumn", which are displayed the first time in the city. Meanwhile, the city for the 2006 Shanghai International Mosaiculture contest won the silver "blue Xinjiang Dance" three-dimensional shape colored grass will also meet with residents and visitors. The Chrysanthemum Exhibition will last until October 28.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Sichuan Lights Wisdom Tour

Speed ​​up the "smart city optical networks in Sichuan," the building will be a strong network with animals, low-carbon, energy saving, environmental protection technology, widely used, not only to gather a group to attract knowledge-intensive, information-intensive, innovation-intensive high-tech, high value-added advanced manufacturing and high-end services, but also through the application of emerging technologies to effectively enhance the technological content of traditional industries, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, accelerate the development mode.

At the same time as a strategic new technology industries, and optical networks, intelligent urban construction in Sichuan, the province is the most comprehensive strength of the western region to build the country's major economic growth pole of the foundation.

The past two years, the information center in western China, the country's first "National Data Security Center", China Telecom cloud computing, networking, "triple play" lab experiments and other cutting-edge technology base and Tianyi space base has settled in Sichuan, as "Smart City, Sichuan optical networks," to lay a solid foundation of software and hardware. China Telecom Sichuan companies on this basis, to promote the ability of information technology services to upgrade, speed up broadband mobile Internet, create a form based on core competencies, built in the western Sichuan information center, to seize the economic development of the western highlands, providing effective information security .For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


China Wuyi Mountain Fashion Tour

Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province in southeastern China, Wuyishan City in northwest, with a total area of ​​99,975 hectares, for the first 5A state-level scenic spots, the top ten scenic spots of civilization, is China's second Taishan, Mount Huangshan, Mount Emei after the fourth, the world's twenty-second World Cultural and Natural Heritage. With the continuous growth of tourism Wuyishan, Wuyishan tourism is gradually moving from a single set of tourism towards tourism, leisure, vacation, health tourism is equal to one direction. Development of health resort tourism, to create the country's most pleasant health resort tourism development as Wuyishan the best choice.

In November 1982 the State Council approved the establishment of Wuyi Mountain National Scenic Area, total area 79 square kilometers. Wuyi Mountain has a unique, rare, wonderful natural landscape, natural beauty is a rare area of ​​human harmony with the natural environment representatives. Wuyi Mountain is a landform in China has found 263 landform in Wuyishan landform most prestigious and most ornamental value. A deep clear zone plate bends in the mountains, cross Danya everywhere, different styles, bends the distribution of the 36 peaks sides, seventy-hole, 99 rock, 108 spots, each attractions are its unique style and charm to win a long life. Proximity to Xiuse beauty, like a walk through the fantastic landscape riddled gallery. Mount Wuyi, it is not high mountains there are mountains of the spirit, the water is not deep water features set the culmination. In 1990 the original World Tourism Organization Executive Committee President Barco is pleased after his wife in the Wuyi Mountain tour inscription: "The Mount Wuyi Scenic Area is uncontaminated model of the world's environment."For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Shandong Ease Bus Tickets Progress

Recently, in Shandong Rizhao Donggang Qinlou Jia Dunzicun west street, wearing blue overalls of the sunshine bus station conductor The very fact that, while according to the calculator, he is busy helping two foreign visitors obtain a refund.

"Tourist season to many people, especially the seaside tourism, and here and relatively far away from the bus station, so we deliberately set up a service in the points here, we can easily buy tickets to various places." Ms. Zhang said the conductor .

It is understood by the temporary ticket, visitors can get close to go around the outside of the bus ticket, and not increase fares. "From here to buy a ticket, points on the grid before the station will be the last car ride to pick up passengers." Correspondent noted that the temporary structures on the ticket, there is a rectangular wooden box, which filled over the classification bus ticket, each ticket again and again and have a special clip grip.

Ms. Zhang said: "There is also phone book, Free Delivery, group charter and other services, ticket selling is good, one day sales of more than a hundred, of which the hottest selling ticket in Henan."

Sunshine coast from Beijing to play the Benjamin family of three, just bought a bus ticket home good. Mr. Ha said excitedly: "Here to return tickets bought in advance, it is also practical to play, as well as limousine to pick, too easy to her."For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Zhejiang Tourism in 2011

At the meeting, Zhang Chunjie on the "7.23" Wenzhou two moving cars rear-end impact caused by tourism and measures taken in response to a detailed report. After the accident, the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism with the municipal government, the night held an emergency meeting to deal with the accident, started the emergency response plan, and understanding of the relevant train travel team, FIT timely release of information, to reconvene the special emergency treatment meeting for a specific deployment.
As at 13:00 on the 24th, Wenzhou City, tourism has in the vicinity of the hospital admissions, pre-8 280 hotel rooms for accommodation required for dealing with the aftermath. At 13:00 on the 24th to statistics, there are two tourist groups Wenzhou 66 people have been safely home. 24 to 25, nearly 30 teams of about 900 people from Fujian, Wenzhou and other places back, nearly 400 people from Wenzhou, Fuzhou, back. Wenzhou Tourism Bureau by phone and SMS, contact your travel agent to adjust travel team travel, change travel routes.
    After listening to the reports, Jian-Guo Ye, deputy director of the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism and timely access to information and active response measures, do remedial work affirmed. He pointed out that one should improve the overall situation and responsibility. With the municipal government, pro-active role within the jurisdiction of a good job. Second, we must do to appease the families of the injured work. Continue to coordinate relevant departments, contact the person in charge of major hotels, one after another to meet the accommodation needs of the families of victims of Wenzhou, to provide them with attentive service. Third, we must publish the information mass. Good use of the Web sites and microblogging platform, timely release of public information needed to actively help the forwards tracing information. Fourth, we should always knock on tourism safety alarm. By the motor car accident, as the tourism authorities should always knock on tourism safety alarm, safety awareness and further enhance tourism, improve the tourism infrastructure, to enhance tourism safety management.
After the Provincial Tourism Council inspection team in the Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Tourism Zhang Chunjie accompanied by the Secretary and other staff, to the city's major hotels to stay for families of wounded sympathy.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerar


Qingdao Summer Holiday Tour

Qingdao has now entered the peak summer travel, passenger rolling constantly. From 26, pocketing one thousand police will be Qingdao, flexible working hours, focusing on protection of Olympic sailing test event, Oktoberfest visitors during major festivals such as property security.

In August, the Olympic sailing test event, a series of major festivals such as Oktoberfest will be launched, Qingdao Police crackdown on five kinds of pickpocket criminal activities: Olympic sailing venue, the resident and the surrounding pickpocketing crime; fled overseas pickpocketing crime gangs; the business district and place bag in the hotel, pick-pocketing and other criminal activities; site of the bus and pickpocket criminal activity occurred; various tourist attractions, festivals points of pickpocketing crime occurred.

It is understood, Qingdao Public Security Bureau organized a detachment of Interpol pocketing experienced staff, the seven areas of action in pocketing pocketing business training civilian police, thousands of pocketing the police will be active in important parts, focusing on line, shopping malls, etc. passenger focus points for pocketing. Olympic sailing test event, Oktoberfest and other major events during the festival time, according to police, business hours, bus runs, hours and other conditions in intensive passenger traffic, the implementation of flexible working, flexible attack to crack down, strictly guard against pickpocketing and other criminal activities. At the same time, will also focus on strengthening the area long-distance work and pocketing the site blow job on blockers.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Jiuzhaigou Valley Strengthens Tour Safety

Jiuzhaigou County to strengthen the basis of fire facilities, establish and improve various forms of the fire team, to enhance the ability to resist fire Jiuzhaigou County, the county build a strong community fire safety "firewall" to ensure the county's stable economic and social development of highly stable. Jiuzhaigou County Fire Brigade reported to the county people's government seminar adopted the "Jiuzhaigou" five-second "fire plan."

According to "Sichuan Provincial Public Security Fire Department constructed in 2011 on the implementation of the community to promote fire safety engineering focus firewall notice" requirement, through the development of "five-second" cause of the fire development plan, promoting the resolution of urban and rural fire plan, infrastructure, rural communities grass-roots fire organizations, funds and other fire protection work "bottleneck" problems. Brigade party rely on themselves, a special meeting to seriously discuss the current fire environment Jiuzhaigou County, the municipal fire and the current lack of facilities to enhance consult reporting. County People's Government attached great importance to regular and timely symposium held in Jiuzhaigou county "five-second" fire plan. Currently, the county people's government has formally issued "Jiuzhaigou" five-second "fire plan."

'Jiuzhaigou' five-second "fire plan," the official introduction of the level of the community to promote fire prevention significantly improved fire safety responsibility system has been fully implemented, cause security mechanisms to further improve the fire, the fire control model of social innovation and development, fire safety of citizens improve the quality, speed up the pace of public fire protection facilities, urban and rural fire emergency rescue system has been improved, stable and sustained fire situation, especially Qunsiqunshang of major fire accidents have been effectively curbed will play a positive role in promoting.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Sichuan Keeps Tour Safety

July 20 morning, the provincial emergency office, the Provincial Tourism Council, Tourism Bureau, Chengdu, Dujiangyan City in collaboration with the Dujiangyan municipal government emergency response office, Dujiangyan City Administration Bureau, Dujiangyan City Tourism Bureau, the Hongkou tibet travel, District State AAAA-class tourist host the 2011 Sichuan Water tourism emergency exercises in Dujiangyan City, Hongkou rafting companies success. The province's emergency management personnel at all levels of tourism more than a total of 100 people watched the drill. Exercise by the provincial tourism sector, law enforcement Corps Yao Ping host.

Tourism has an associated degree, open high-reaching, affecting a wide range of features, good tourism security emergency management is of great significance. Organizing the exercise, which aims to further strengthen the tourism system in the province emergency awareness, knowledge and wealth of tibet tours emergency, standard emergency procedures, improve response capabilities, develop training team, to achieve the safe operation of tourist attractions to ensure the safety of the tourists, maintenance Sichuan good image of tourism.

The province's emergency drill water travel through the province, city, county, township-level linkage, using the commander scene, the narrator explained, the participating staff language and actions demonstrate a variety of ways, in strict accordance with the "Start plan, the scene , detailed responsibilities, the mobilization of all, timely rescue, comprehensive response, information dissemination, work report, summing up the work "combat simulation and other related procedures. Thrilling tension throughout the exercises, life-wonderful, interlocking, orderly.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Jialing Tour

April 13, 2006 morning, the first homeland by the Peng'an Jialing Leading Group Office of Tourism Development (hereinafter referred to as the County Tourism Office) organization "Jialing first homeland tourism business operations plan," "Jialing the first homeland beijing tours tourism control of detailed planning, "" Jialing the first homeland tourism an engineering and construction and landscape design "and" floodplain wetlands leisure park design "(the" Plan ") will be assessed in the county on the third floor conference room. Review by Simaxiangru research, chairman of the county investigator, the county Office of Tourism deputy director Zhao Zhengming and "planning" assessment team leader, Sichuan Urban and Rural Planning Design Institute, Nanchong Municipal Government Deputy Secretary-General chaired Sheng Fan . Review will also hired Communist Party Secretary Liu Zhongbo Peng'an, county Zouping County People's Government and the Western History and Culture and Tourism China Normal University, Dean, Professor Cai Dong served as deputy head of state. Ministry of Construction scenic expert consultants, executive director of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, senior Lijia Yue, Beijing Bureau of Parks Institute senior beijing travel segment Yoshimitsu flowers, the former vice president Wu Dade Sichuan Travel Association, Management Department, China West Normal University, Professor Feng Mingyi, Chinese Landscape planning and Design research Center, Southwest Branch of the planning consultant Idy, research and Design Institute of Sichuan Mianyang Branch of ancient architecture dean, ancient landscape engineers Hewen Hu and the CPC Peng'an party committee, county Tourism Office Director Chen Pengquan, county investigator , County Office of Tourism deputy director Zhao Zhengming, Simaxiangru executive vice president of research Deng Yu Zhang and County sports and Tourism Secretary Wang Junying, County SES North Star Chapter, the county Environmental Protection Bureau Tangqi Wen, deputy director of county planning Song Junhua, county planning and building as members the Deputy Secretary Wang Min.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Hefei Yangtze River War Museum

"The retired cadres along the river almost every corner, then visit the war generals, their children, their one purpose in coming to save the decades-old baby were donated." Wang Jiagui said, Marshal Chen Yi Chen Yi's descendants donated the crossing chairs used in the beijing tours Battle River. The Wuhan Military Region Deputy Commander Zhang Xiulong year, not only donated his pistol used in the battle, camp bed, in the Huaihai Campaign in the hands of the KMT star Qiu Qingquan captured double-barreled shotgun, also with the gift of Hefei.

The only slightly Unfortunately, crossing the large battle weapons and equipment can not be found. But Wang Jiagui said some of the famous battle, there is the story of objects, new building was modeled on the original copy, then citizens can see. According to statistics, in-kind artifacts will be exhibiting 80% of the original, copy, counterfeit goods accounted for only 20%. More than 1,000 pieces of cultural beijing travel relics, we ran five provinces along the river, more than 300 units, visited more than 3,000 war veterans, was found. "Wang Jiagui said, crossing the river 60 years have elapsed since the battle, many cities along the Yangtze River during the Battle Memorial Hall is built across the river, many times initiated by collecting relics," to find so many, really surprised us. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Panzhihua Tour

Yesterday afternoon, after nearly 20 hours of long-distance transport, two cute little white whale arrived in Tianjin Haichang Polar Ocean World, they will go through 40 days of quarantine and restore nursed back to health, to meet with the general public.

12:30 or so, carrying the two 3-year-old beluga whale arrived at the truck Polar Museum. Already waiting in the crane, slowly a special "stretcher" hanging to the car, the staff will be a white whale slowly into the "stretcher", the pectoral fins and fixed, to avoid lifting process of beijing tours injury. In the "move" process, the little guy a little nervous in the car's tank back and forth, spilling some of the spray from time to time, in the "stretcher" the little guy also issued a call. Enter the venue, the staff in its tail pumping the blood, also it was a simple physical examination. Immediately, the white whale that was hanging to the first floor, into the pool to rest. Immediately, the staff who started the first white whale for the second "move", by contrast, the first white whale on the "generous" much more time hanging in the air, but also overlooks the staff, and we slightly. "nod. "

"This two white whales are shipped from Dalian, is one male and one female of a pair of children, aged three years old or so, about three meters in length, which two white whale than it is now Tianjin Museum of the white whale is smaller , are whale, gray body Secheng. about 5 years old, white whale gradually turned white, adult beautiful pure white will show. "white whale song sea convoy commander, beijing travel said:" there are six professional staff to accompany the way and ice to the water tank, at the appropriate temperature control and now it seems, two beluga whales and the situation very well. "Haichang Tianjin Institute of polar Sea World animals, Luo Qing, said:" The new animals to the museum, after all to conduct inspection and quarantine, isolation rearing generally will be more than 40 days, to help them gradually adjust to the new environment. "This year, the Tianjin Hai Chang Polar Ocean World has introduced two manatees, dolphins, 8, yesterday added a new two white whales. The future, Tianjin Haichang Polar Sea World will introduce a greater variety and quantity of animals showing rich content.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tour: Wuyi Mountain

The morning of July 14, well within the Fujian Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area in Anhui in a car accident affects people's heart. 8:50 Xu, scenic opening more than 10 years of residence within the northern section of the bridge collapsed, then, Taihe County, Anhui Province, Tai beijing tours group of teachers made ​​holiday travel tours, traveling in a local tourist bus (license plate number Min H30953) passing through the bridge, collapsed at the bus from falling, at least one accident the driver killed and 22 injured in two man-made guided tours, the rest are Taihe a secondary school teacher.

After the accident, immediately contact the reporter on radio news reporter Chen Binbin Fuzhou, as a special correspondent, to the scene to interview. Time of the accident was about 8:50, about 9:30, Chen Binbin drove to the scene, away from the incident at the bridge there are  beijing travel dozens of kilometers, began a serious traffic jam along the way had been found. Traffic police department has developed a detailed traffic detour plan.

Residence Bridge is the southern gateway to Mount Wuyi Scenic Area transportation hubs in major cities, on November 8, 1996 construction work began in November 20, 1999 opened to traffic in the middle span of 100 meters, both sides of the span of 80 m, length 301 m, 18 meters wide, as the bearing-type steel arch bridge. Two piers located two, two piers and two end joints, the bridge are divided into three parts, each part of the deck weight, hanging by the vault of the force of 24 vertical rod support. Part of the bridge collapsed, is close to the arch of the north side of 3rd period, a total length of 50 meters. Support the 50-meter area of the force rod 24, have all been broken.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tour: Anhui Gaixia Tour

June 30, Beijing-Shanghai high speed railway, the China's political, cultural and economic center of Beijing's most prosperous city, Shanghai, in a line, passing beijing tours through Anhui and other provinces, which will give a very good tourist resource endowments and what kind of development of Bengbu opportunity? July 13, this reporter came to interview Bengbu.

July Anhui, sky blue grass green. Bengbu Guzhen town villagers Dingjing Long Ho, standing Gaixia site "Farewell My Concubine," a giant bronze statue of the agency, told reporters that he has the foot of this land 5,000 years of civilization, high-speed railway, and beijing travel as the villagers, day and night looking forward to to promote the local economy through tourism development, so that we better life.

History, has experienced two Gaixia brilliant. Back in the late Longshan Culture Dawenkou early, has become more than a medium-sized cities, ancient buildings dating back to 4300-4800 years ago, it was the first man to enter the product of a cultural heyday, the birthplace of human civilization one of; step around the camp, "" House of Flying Daggers "," embattled, "Chu dispute and other stories are out of this." Farewell My Concubine "is poignant and touching love story is more widely known.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Tour Shanghai: China Butterflies Tour

July 9, with the ten thousand, while a variety of beautiful butterflies flying in order to "close emotional ties to butterflies fireflies to enjoy nature" as the theme of the first China (Yishui) Firefly International Tourism Festival in Lake District, Shandong underground fluorescent began.
Opening 10 "Butterfly shanghai tours, Fairy" put on a beautiful shape, while tens of thousands of colorful butterflies spread their wings, spectacular scenes, butterflies flying has become a highlight of this activity. Followed by "coat man" Zhu Wen's passion for singing, won the audience applause and cheers, and the atmosphere is very warm, which in addition to singing, "rolling in the Yangtze River flowing eastward," but also sang a "bounce my beloved soil Pipa" and "Sunset Red" and other songs; "diabolo up" Zhou's art is cool again shock the audience; as well as from Shandong Wollongong Tourism Group sang the first two workers with the red theme of the Games Song of the "red land"; and Shandong TV Arts Channel from "super sports" section of the many star performers of performances, showing the audience a wonderful visual feast, set off bursts of high activity site
It is understood that this activity is Shandong Wollongong Travel Group in 2010 following the successful holding of the Second China (Yishui) underground river rafting sports section and the first Chinese red again after a major tourism festivals contractor is following the shanghai travel Shandong Wollongong Tourism Group 2010 successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States to go abroad for international became the first in Shandong Province tourism enterprises listed overseas after another major international event, Longgang Tourism Group is the implementation of international brand logo.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Suzhou Tourism Group

Culture Travel Group since its creation six months, has been "the development of cultural tourism industry in Suzhou, and growth of state resources" mission, culture and tourism industries from the source of ideas for driving business development. July 6, Culture Travel Group beijing tours, semi-annual conference was held, by summing up the practice, planning ideas, further common understanding, spirit, clear objectives. Group of middle-level leadership cadres and members of affiliated companies, financial attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Group departments and units responsible for the comrades of the first half of 2011 working on the idea and made ​​a report on the second half of the exchange, members of the leadership group in charge of the work summarized deployment. Finally, Wang Jinxing comrades pointed out that the second half of the group had to stand united and emancipate the mind, down to earth, solid work, hopes beijing travel to one to two years of efforts, started the paper brigade brand, create brilliant career. After the meeting, all participants visited the Zhouzhuang, Jinxi Town, to learn from the innovation and development of cultural tourism industry, business philosophy, mode of operation, further enhancing the development of cultural tourism the main industry group's confidence and determination.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Travel Beijing: Gushi Builds National AAAA Scenic Areas

Reporters from Guyuan relevant departments, the NDRC issued a "national key scenic spots of red tourism overall construction program", Guyuan City Liupanshan Red Army's Long March series of scenic pavilion, the Taiwan Red Fort one, two Army rendezvous Monument, site of beijing tours the Red Army set a single home, the old Dragon Hui uprising Martyrs pavilion is one of them.
     According to "2004 -
2010 National Development Plan of red tourism ", the National Development and Reform Commission issued a" national key scenic spots of red tourism overall building program. ""Progr" the scope of control in the implementation of the "National List of classic red tourism attractions" within the selected area, a total of 246 infrastructure projects. I was included in the project area there are eight. One Guyuan City Liupanshan Red Army's Long March series of scenic pavilion, the Taiwan Red Fort Monument twelve Army joined forces, the Red Army set a single home site, the old Dragon Hui Uprising Martyrs pavilion is one of them. Other were: area of Ningxia Red Army expedition series Yu Hai Hui autonomous government site, the Red Army expedition concentric Memorial, site beijing travel of the pre-Wang expedition headquarters and Salt Lake County Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall. The construction of the eight projects a total investment of 51.77 million yuan, the National Development and Reform Commission will arrange the proportion of 70% bond funds.
     Up to now, the National Development and Reform Commission has issued Guyuan red tourism infrastructure from the central budget special funds (bonds) for the Long March pavilion Liupanshan, Xiji County Red Fort will be Taiwan first, second and Army join forces in Monument area infrastructure. Implementation of the project, to effectively address the constraints of the power supply area development, water supply, environment, service facilities and reception showcasing outstanding problems. Meanwhile, monuments, sculptures and other markers commemorating the construction of the revolutionary historical sites, monuments and the implication of the glorious deeds of the revolutionary spirit with the tradition of the carrier, thereby permanently circulating, red tourism for our region's development foundation.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Tours Beijing: China Rural Tour Destinations

For the "State Council on Accelerating the development of tourism" (Guo Fa [2009] No. 41) "construction characteristics of the landscape tourism village" requirements, to promote the pilot work of villages and towns, recently, Housing and Urban Affairs, the National Tourism beijing tours Bureau of Construction and tourism experts, according to the national characteristics of the landscape tourist town (village) identification method and recognized standards, the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), 200 towns and villages the recommended application materials were reviewed to determine the "second batch of national characteristics of the landscape tourist town (village) "candidate list. Six villages in Yunnan (Tengchong County Heshun Town, Ninglang Yongning Township fell into the water village, village group Jianshui West Town, Yanjin red bean town, Jinghongmenghan Town, Shilin County Town) selected.
Tengchong County Heshun Town: hometown, the  beijing travel ancient Chinese culture style buildings.
Ninglang Yongning town fell into the village: the old wood-structure houses the Muleng Fang, caress culture.
West Town Village Jianshui group: included in the list of world architectural heritage, Chang Garden.
Yanjin bean paste Town: First off into Yunnan, the old Lebanese mountain forests Nature Reserve.
Jinghongmenghan Town: Dai features, enjoy the "peacock feather Ling," "land of plenty" in the world.
Stone Forest County Town: Stone Forest International torch carnival, Yijiale. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Travel China: Changtai Dragon Valley

Changtai drifting from the area with surface and air travel Xiamen press launch of the "Teng Dragon Valley, hot springs bubble dragon good" day trip shanghai tours by Xiamen favorable for tourists, hundreds of people to enjoy the warm and cool both physical and mental journey. New Year, this line has added a unique charm, promote good health of the forest bath content, only New Year's Day has hosted thousands of visitors.

Changtai Dragon Valley and adjacent small Huangshan, nine scenic waterfall ditch, trees, original Furuto wild vine winding clouds, fresh air rich in negative ions. Tourists in the dense teak, pine forest, walking through the forest breeze Mu, bath aura, he felt a cool looking hard shanghai travel heart, filled with energy. Foreign studies have shown that forest bath can increase the body's cancer-fighting ability, the trees can alleviate human phytoncid distributed tension. This mountain forest bath + + three combinations of leisure and health spa line, Xiamen newspaper travel winter and spring, one of the main push of the hotline.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Travel Shanghai: Tianjin Beer Festival

Learned from the Tianjin Commission of Commerce, with the July 7, Tianjin, China • Eleventh International Beer Festival opened, "Tianjin Summer - Happy Carnival" will be held July 7 to August 31, in Tianjin, the commercial walking street, shopping centers, department stores, supermarkets, shops, dining restaurants, hotels, scenic spots and other key consumer sites in full swing. Carnival will shanghai tours highlight the passion to create fun shopping, enjoying food, fun travel three blocks. Where: passion shopping section will be organized in large department stores, medium and large supermarkets, stores and wholesale market for gold jewelry, fashion apparel, cosmetics, home appliances, automobiles and other hot items to carry out "gold jewelry section," "Clothing & Accessories Day" "bargain appliances Season" "Big Exhibition communications products," "characteristics of goods and folk trade fairs" and other promotional activities, theme.

Enjoy the food sector will organize food and beverage companies, food stores, specialty food manufacturers in the Food Street, Tianjin Railway Station, Western held key commercial street, Jincai, food, snacks and other festivals and "Tianjin old" specialty food fairs, shows shanghai travel the new dishes and so on. Happy tourism sector will focus on the introduction of the Haihe River Water scenery tour, five European style road construction tour, former residences of celebrities travel, eco-leisure, travel and other folk culture, organizational Jin Wan Plaza, King Street and other special commercial district, to carry out tours and other entertainment options distinctive series of tourism activities. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tour: China Hamilton Melon Festival

China • Hamilton, "Sweet Tour" Eighth Melon Festival will be held in Hamilton on July 22 grand opening, the series of activities will be launched on July 10. Section of this cantaloupe, "Hamilton wonderful sweet tour" as the theme, the most attractive than 128 kinds of melon exciting "debut" race melon will be. By then, the Queen tribute melon - Jiagedacun represented hundreds of species of melon beijing tours cantaloupe melon garden products will be on display in the gallery melon, for tourists to visit, taste, and also organized tours to explore the museum cantaloupe melon into a long history: tourists cantaloupe can be planted into the thirteenth generation descendant Niyaz • Kasim elderly small courtyard, listening to the legend on cantaloupe; westbound through the Millennium approached Xuanzang pagoda, pagoda drink one thousand years while the cool spring; into the vast expanse of the melon, melon to experience the fun of picking. Race meeting melon, cantaloupe also named its largest and most sweet melon, the most beautiful cantaloupe.

According to reports, since 1993 held the first China • Hamilton City, Hamilton, "Sweet Tour" melon festival so far, has lasted 18 years 7th. With 18 years of carefully orchestrated, cantaloupe melon festival has developed into the media, promote the rural culture of melon, a variety show, "Hundred Flowers" tour event. "Melon culture", "Hamilton rocks culture", "Hami jujube culture" as the three, beijing travel Hami card, is rising with Hami in Xinjiang in the country and the world well-known. Hami, Xinjiang, Henan province counterpart support region is the region. Under the Scheme, Henan Province before the end of 2013 project funds 52 million yuan, mainly for the Hamilton regional tourism infrastructure, boost tourism in Hamilton as soon as possible to become an important pillar of the local industries and the people more satisfied with the service.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Yi People Torch Festival

July 24 to 29, 2011 Xichang, Liangshan Yi Torch Festival of China will be held in Xichang. July 3, Torch Festival held in Chengdu conference organizers, will beijing tours launch during the Torch Festival features more than 20 full activity. By then, the original ecological torch carnival, part Qionghai cycling and rural tourism and other activities, will be a unique show profound Yi culture.

It is reported that the current cultural highlight of the Torch Festival, "Dance on the city," the opening evening, the evening of July 24 national stadium in Liangshan, Chen Sisi, Chen had more than 20 group portrait of artists will be performed. Torch during the Torch Lighting Ceremony will be held, the original eco-Yi torch carnival and traditional bullfighting, Yi-style wrestling, archery and  beijing travel other exciting activities. Yi traditional beauty pageant will be held Yijia colorful young men and women will be dressed in traditional costumes singing and dancing on the stage, so that visitors feel Yijia children's unique charm. In particular, the evening of July 29, held the torch in Xichang City and fireworks nights, every scene of tourists can be hand-held torch, enjoy "playing with fire. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Tours: Lianhuang Express Way Promotes Matzu Tour

Reporter was informed that even the river to accelerate construction of ring Matsu Australian tourism, investment of nearly 120 million yuan for the two sections of road with yellow readiness to change lines to widen the project will soon commence. By then, even the river to beijing tours Huangqi travel time from the current nearly 1 hour to less than 45 minutes.
According to reports, is the ring Matsu Huangqi Australia tourism to undertake the construction of the most important point is currently under the Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, respectively, lead the preparation of small towns Huangqi municipal master plan and Huangqi (ring Matsu Australia) tourism development plan , including the wave rock and chimney details of two leisure park regulations, will soon be launched in the relevant planning experts will be assessed.
Even through the Port River Expressway in promoting Huangqi preliminary work at the same time, the county financial investment of 120 million yuan for the two sections of road with yellow readiness to change lines to widen the project will soon move to build. Huangqi direct passenger terminal and customs clearance infrastructure has also been put on the agenda.
It is understood that even the river is beijing travel currently working with relevant parties to discuss the joint cross Matsu Battlefield relics sites, to declare "peace" as the theme of world cultural heritage, and jointly organized by Central Australian coastal tourism Matsu Cultural Festival. In addition, the port has not been approved under the conditions of an active year for New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Tomb Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn festival to achieve in five residents of two-way cross-strait direct flights with Malaysia.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary.


Beijing Tours: Taiwan Strait Tour Association

Including Xiamen, mainland residents to Taiwan, including the Individual Visit Scheme launched the first pilot, opened the door to cross-strait civilian exchanges beijing tours depth. 28 held in Xiamen residents to visit Taiwan on the launch of personal travel, tourism in the province who all say: open individual visit to Taiwan, not only to the organization's Fujian residents to travel more, will attract many more residents of other provinces to visit Taiwan by the Fujian port, which is to create two-way travel Fujian become an important channel of cross-strait and the main distribution center, build a ring strait tourism circle lay a good foundation.

28, the first group of 103 members to direct air and sea transport and air are two ways to carry out personal travel to Taiwan. Choose to take "joanne" round sub-plane to Taiwan, Mr. Lin, I hope to visit the toll could save the province; choose direct flights to Taipei Miss Zhao Guiling, you tend to "play as long as beijing travel possible in Taiwan more." Fujian location advantages, is to promote tourism between Fujian and Taiwan pilot, "hardware." Direct air, sea and air transport, maritime direct "three-dimensional traffic" framework for tourism development in the province of Taiwan in the travel ahead of the curve. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Shanghai Tours: Damin Lake Lotus Day

After intense preparation, Shandong Province, Jinan City, the 25th "Great Lake Lotus Festival" will be held July 3 in the picturesque, lian fragrance debut of Daming Lake area, this area shanghai tours has since opened the Summer Garden activities of the curtain. It is understood that "Big Lake Lotus Festival" in Jinan City, the city flower, "charge" for the media to "play clean water Longyou Lake, Holland, Hong Ying Springs Kyushu" as the theme, to show Jinan City as the top ten tourist cities comprehensive image of the charm. This session of the Daming Lake Lotus Flower Festival will be opened on July 3, continued to August 31.

Lotus During the festival, visitors can view lian, quality food, boat race, put the Netherlands lights, see the exhibition, garden activities in various forms, rich in content. In addition to activities in the Daming Lake Scenic Lake hundred acres in the fields and the Netherlands is rich in natural plant-level ecological landscape, the area will be on display throughout the park more than a thousand pots of flowers; combined with the 90th anniversary of founding, organizing painting and calligraphy exhibition; from 7 16 shanghai travel started, Dragon Boat Race held in Jinan City, the twelfth, the game will be divided into men's and mixed teams, visitors can now see the teams come to the ongoing tension, hard ground before training; July 30 to 21 August, in the Daming Lake area within the Department of wave chess House chess Championship held in China, inviting various competitions at home and abroad to obtain membership rank of chess master collection Jinan Daming Lake, for the majority of the chess enthusiast, hobby by putting on a wonderful game feast.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Great Wall Tour in Beijing

Tours to Beijing if it will find the streets there are many day trips advertising, price varies, several hundred more than a few hundred to have. Great Wall more distant from the urban areas, to transfer themselves to the words, spend more time with the group will tour a little faster.In the choice of travel time to pay attention to is not the Badaling Great Wall, Beijing Great Wall is still a man, that the price beijing tours will be very cheap, generally go to Badaling to one hundred or so! With the mission to Badaling, the bottom The four are to sit up pulley, the pulley of the money which is generally not included in the tour, I remember like ten dollars a person! To sign a formal contract, travel, free items and see which projects need their own expense, or in conflict with travel agencies to spend more but added little things, bad mood is not worth the travel!

People say, "Great Wall is not a true man," that is the Badaling Great Wall, the following four are the most dangerous, the recommendations or make tackles, this is not included in the ticket inside, student card also can be discounted! The above layers can climb their own, the Great Wall is really "climb" up, and there is a very steep uphill, no stage, is hero slope, really like stepping on the back of the shoulder, this should take care .If left to tour with the group, then your time is not much, about 40 minutes, but climbed to the top  beijing travel of the time almost, in fact, I think to pinnacle of the Great Wall is not registered to regret, if not later, or try to walk a long time, then end! I went with my mom, when is the fear of lack of time, hesitated for a long time, but finally gave up the last paragraph, and finally down the other person in the car, my mom, it became a big regret in life! For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Summer Holiday Tour

Went to Beijing last summer, in fact, that lived there a few days, the mood had to go out to go shopping attractions, tired, just a place to live nearby to shop, strings of the alley is also good! Compared with other places, Beijing attractions tickets are cheaper, is probably the most beijing tours expensive tickets for the underwater world, 122, student card is useless! Beijing snack a lot, you are not in the past when there is no temple, only a few food shopping street! Wangfujing food over there underground city, bringing together north and south of the food, I and my mother went out to play often during the day and night to go back in Wangfujing, the then walk back to a place to live! So we only get up early to go to Beijing to see a flag-raising, lowering of the flag touches handle every day!

To Beijing, then living in the right side of the front door, where there are many private hotels, the price is not too high, the rooms are very clean! Moreover, the hotel which will have a lot of day trips two-day tour, the travel contract signed with them. But with the group one day to many places, a bit of time to catch! To Beijing, then, must go to Tiananmen Square is a place to go. Many people want to beijing travel go to Tiananmen Square to see the flag down, but it is great stamina! I and my mother was four points up to it, to when the Tiananmen Square is a sea of ​​people, and not see the tiers care bearer. Lowering of the flag will look at simply, people will go look at the morning flag-raising than fewer people and more, seven to go to summer so that lowering of the flag. However, there are five or so many people that waited, and many people are sitting there holding a newspaper, etc., I told my mom happy to wait that long, so basically every day to go but did not see anything.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Shanghai Ancient Yi Park

Ancient Yi Park is located northwest of Shanghai Nanxiang Town, Jiading District. An area of ​​10 hectares. Jiajing 1522-1566 years before the Ming Dynasty), formerly known as Yi Park, take the "green bamboo Yi Yi" meaning; bamboo house after the Jiading Zhu Sansong designed to "mu of the Shanghai tours Park" to create the scale, but also in the column , rafters, bamboo corridor carved varied scenery, vivid and elegant; 11 years of Qianlong (1746) to extend the re-repair, changed its name to the ancient Yi Park. Yi Gu Yi Park of the Park into wild together, play pool geese, Songhe Park, Green Park, clear, Yuanyang Lake, Nanxiang wall 6 area. With bamboo Yiyi, Qushui quiet, elegant architecture, timeless couplet poems rhyme ignorant of the beautiful flowers and stone paths and other characteristics of the five well-known. Unique exquisite artistic ideas, to share the ancient Yi Park is even more evident Park, elegant, light, Xilian charm.

Ancient Yi Park, one of Shanghai's five largest classical garden in Nanxiang town, Suzhou Humble Administrator's Garden styles and closer. Guyi garden, a millennium Jing Zhuang, hall of a hundred years, this is the Tang Dynasty His Holiness Dharani Pillar Column, built in 1867, engraved on the Dharani Buddhist scriptures and the four kings. Yi Park, the ancient stone boat, called "not using the boat" and "system" Shanghai travel has two meanings, one as a stone boat, not tethered football, and second, to those who entrusted themselves to build gardens out of officialdom, seek desire to get free. Nanxiang town center is located, a pair of Yunxiang Temple pagoda, dating back 1400 years of history has been, it is Jiading, Shanghai is the most ancient pagoda existing one, "Twin Towers Qing Xia," was the famous "Nanxiang Eight" one.For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary 


Beijing Long River Cruise Circut

River, over 700 years of history, known as King River, Yuan said, "Sorghum River", the Ming Dynasty was renamed the "Yuhe." It is the capital of the only water in a river of color printing and dyeing Royal, the Qing Dynasty Qianlong Imperial Queen's river after renovation to become beijing tours the mother of Emperor Qianlong go Manjuji pray for the royal birthday and special river destined for the Summer Palace. To the dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi to the Summer Palace became the summer to go through water.
Travel online in the river, particularly a rich cultural landscape, there are built in the Yuan Dynasty Kwong Yuen gates, built during the Wanli's Manjuji, built in the Ming Chenghua nine Wutasi and so on. In addition, the natural beauty is timeless, especially in the Purple Bamboo Park area,  beijing travel the river on both sides of weeping willows, and shady trees, but also maintained a "Temple of Heaven to see Pine, willow river view" of the original. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary


Beijing Nangong Hot Spring

Zuo town palace is located in southwestern Fengtai District, Beijing, Zuo Nangongcun territory, Zuo town has the world's geothermal Palace Exposition, the world's hot spring water palace, the palace villa residential area three tourist attractions. Zuo Palace rely on high-quality town Beijing tours rich geothermal resources, a set of modern agriculture, sightseeing, spa health, geothermal science education, leisure and entertainment resort in one. Zuo town palace with its excellent index of air, beautiful natural environment, good location, has become one of Beijing's top ten tourist routes.

Palace Spa Health Center has a meditation room wooden bath area, spa bath, medicine, power springs area, fitness and recreation area, wooden bath, stone bath, Sauna, jade bath, bath and other special bath house fire dragon; a variety of outdoor black tea, green tea, tea tea and other open-air bath is your physical therapy, physical and mental conditioning the best choice. Tea bath can play a sunstroke, sunburn treatment, skin whitening effect, can also assist the treatment of skin diseases, anti-aging and firming to achieve the purpose.

Bath area through the fir trees, oak, rosewood, pine, etc. with hot water immersion produced ions can increase the dissolved oxygen in the blood, promote metabolism, increase immunity, anti-aging. Dipping zone with longevity soup, soup of brain nerves Cong, Qi Decoction, Body slimming Beijing travel soup, heart and soul soup, medicinal soup, red wine bath, vinegar bath, bath and other plants with unique Tangchi. Unique power springs area using powerful water flow on the human head, neck and other specific parts of the massage, and eliminate shoulder, fresh pain to subside and to increase blood flow to promote skin regeneration. Strong jet of water springs repeated intensive massage waist, abdomen, buttocks and other parts of the accumulation of fat easy to break down fat to reach the water movement easy weight-loss purposes. For more information, please shift to China Travel Itinerary.